Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome Everyone

Hi everyone!!!!!!!  I just started this totally rad blog.  I hope you like it.

So today I came home from school and my Mom had wrapped my presents for Christmas.  One of the presents was shaped like a pokemon pack.  One of the other ones was shaped like a video game or dvd.  There was one that said it was for me and my brother.  Max thought it was shaped like a mighty bean pack.  I agreed with him.  There was one from my nana and papa.  I did not know what it was.  I shook it and it seemed like it was clothes.  This is awesome.  This was my first post.


  1. Hi Jack! I love your new blog. You are right, your blog is rad!!

  2. Your blog is rad, but it is also cool. Congratulations on your success. You are a wonderful mix of your mother and father.


  3. Dude! Love your blog! I get to check on you now:) Miss you Jack! xoxoxo emily

  4. Love your blog! I will show it to Harrison and he will be jealous and ask to start a blog too. Keep writing, I am reading!

  5. I love your music dude. What did you ask Santa Claus for Christmas? I want to start a blog. My Mom said I knew you would say that.;)From Harrison

  6. I love the picture you selected for this totally rad blog post. I can't wait to hear if your presents are precisely as you predict, be sure to let us know. What is the present you want most for Christmas?

  7. I just showed this blog to my kids Novatana, Michael, and Madison.

    They said you are cool! I agree with them!!

  8. Dude, this is an awesome blog. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on Stephen Hawking's theory on space time continuum. Great work!
